Is the management of infinite metadata driving you crazy? Here are we with Bulk Object Field Creator, by allowing you to carry out bulk metadata opera...
For any salesforce admins or developer Comparing Multiple Profiles with in same org or across multiple orgs would be tedious job using Salesforce Stan...
Are you exporting Salesforce fields to your system or another org one at a time? What if you have to explore hundreds of fields? Planning to spend day...
Easily Export Multiple Page Layouts for Multiple Objects in Salesforce using BOFC application. This would help users to save time, reduce manual effor...
Are you updating an existing field? Tired of using Salesforce Standard process, to open and update each field one by one.These type of work requests w...
BOFC is an incredible Administrator App for all Salesforce users and reviewed as "Time-Saver Machine". Now With Bulk Object Field Creator App, users c...
Export and import validation rule for multiple objects (for any Standard or Custom Object) in Salesforce using Bulk Object Field Creator (BOFC) applic...