Dr. Divyanshu specializes in Joint replacement surgeries of hip. Joint replacement is required in variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid
Dr. Divyanshu Dutt Dwivedi is an Orthopaedic Surgeon practicing in Lucknow.
He specializes in joint replacement, Sports injury and Arthroscopy, pelvic and acetabulum surgeries and neglected/complex trauma surgeries.
He has strong pursuit of academics and research and has many publications in journals of national and international repute
If you are looking for the best knee replacement surgeon in Lucknow, Dr. Divyanshu Dutt is the perfect choice. He has over 10 years of experience in k...
Dr. Divyanshu Dutt Dwivedi specializes in sports injuries. He knows how to diagnose and treat many sports injuries. He aims to help you return to your...
Dr. Divyanshu Dutt Dwivedi works as a top Orthopaedic Surgeon in Lucknow. His expertise lies in joint replacement, Sports injury and Arthroscopy pelvi...
If you are looking for the best knee replacement surgeon in Lucknow, Dr. Divyanshu Dutt is the perfect choice. He has over 10 years of experience in k...
He specializes in joint replacement, Sports injury and Arthroscopy, pelvic and acetabulum surgeries, and neglected/complex trauma surgeries. He has a ...
Dr. Divyanshu specializes in Joint replacement surgeries of hip. Joint replacement is required in a variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Rheu...
He specializes in joint replacement, Sports injury and Arthroscopy, pelvic and acetabulum surgeries, and neglected/complex trauma surgeries. He has a ...
Dr. Divyanshu specializes in Joint replacement surgeries of hip. Joint replacement is required in a variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Rheu...
Dr. Divyanshu specializes in Joint replacement surgeries of the hip. Joint replacement is required in a variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis, ...
Dr. Divyanshu specializes in Joint replacement surgeries of hip. Joint replacement is required in variety of conditions such as Osteoarthritis, Rheuma...