foam carriers impregnated with activated carbon for biological wastewater treatment. As MBBR Media involves attached growth microbial communities for ...
As MBBR Media involves attached growth microbial communities for the biochemical oxidation, the IFAS / MBBR media is the most crucial element of the p...
We are pleased to share a case study of upgradation of pulp and paper mill MBBR plant upgradation for a Pulp and Paper Mill. The project has met clien...
More and more activated sludge processes are requiring upgradation for higher flows and nitrification to achieve new stricter discharge standards for ...
We are pleased to announce the upgradation of 58,000 m3/day existing activated sludge plant to Levapor based IFAS process for achieving both higher fl...
As a process specialist, we help industries achieve better results for their existing activated sludge process. One of our landmark projects with a Co...
As the MBBR/IFAS process involves attached growth microbial communities for the biochemical oxidation, the IFAS / MBBR media is the most crucial eleme...
We are pleased to share a case study of existing MBBR plant upgradation for a Pulp and Paper Mill. The project has met client’s expectations for impro...
We are pleased to announce the upgradation of 58,000 m3/day existing Activated sludge plant to Levapor based IFAS process for achieving both higher fl...
Levapor is an MBBR/IFAS media developed after years of research and development. Levapor media do not just offer higher surface area to retain just bi...