We all know that playing on a Minecraft Server with no players online can get pretty boring. Most server owners dream of having the biggest and best Minecraft server, but it's easier said than done to create a server that will be able to attract players. There are many factors that go into advertising a server. While adding your server on the MC Server List is a great place to start, there's more to it than that. Voting with voting rewards and great server development are just a few of the key elements in advertising your server. You must be able to create a Minecraft Server others want to play. You will need to plan the type of server you create based on how many players you want. We'll show you how to market your Minecraft Server. Advertise your server Server List One of the most common ways to get players on your Minecraft Server is by posting the server on a server list. Minecraft Server List are one of the most popular ways for new players to find fun servers to join. Most server lists are broken down based on the highest votes. This allows you the opportunity to rise in the ranking by setting a voting plug. Also, the list generally will put your server into a category called "New Servers" when you first add your server. This gives your server an increase in members and you will almost always see an influx of new members the day after you upload your server to the list. Once you get your community base started, it makes growing further far easier as these are the members who will advertise your server to their friends, vote for the server, and actively play on the server making it look more lively. With almost all of these servers lists, you can purchase your server to be placed in a sponsored section. Although this is a more expensive way to advertise but it is still an option. Popular Server List Craft List is a great place to start! Craft List is our partner and can be linked to our panel to allow you to add your server. Simply click on "Connect To Craft-List" to access your server panel. Minecraft Server List is one of the most popular list out there. You will almost always see a huge influx in players the first day you upload your server. Remember that you will be placed into the New Servers category the first day. You should set up voting to continue climbing up the list. Minecraft MP is another popular server list. This is a great place to start a server if it's a modified or customized server. You can search Minecraft MP for servers based upon versions, ping and server types. Minecraft Servers is one of the oldest lists around and is quite popular. It is a good idea for you to add your server to this site as many people use it in order to find new servers to play on. Voting Plugin Voting is a vital part of any Minecraft Server that has been added to a server list. A voting plugin is a tool that allows users to interact with the server. There are many benefits to having a voting plugin. Many server owners will set up rewards for the player base if they vote, this creates a huge demand for players to vote each day which will ultimately help your servers ranking on the Minecraft server lists. MINECRAFT SERVERS These plugins are required if you want to enable voting on your server. Here is a tutorial for these two plugins. Proper development is probably the most important part of a server's success. As you wouldn't want your friends to play on a poorly designed server, so should you. It is important to take the time to build and develop your Minecraft server before releasing it to the public. There are many different routes you can take in developing your server. Each route can bring in different types of communities or different numbers of players. If you're looking to set up a Hypixel server, you will want to create Bungeecord networks with minigames. There are also game types that are good for a single server with a decent number of players such as Factions, Survival, Towny, McMMO, and much more. Apex fully understands the difficulties involved in developing a Minecraft Server. That is why we have created multiple gametypes that are preconfigured for your server. Here is a list of all our gametypes. Our team of professionals can help you develop your server with a variety of addons. These add-ons include the plugin installation addon, premium support, and modpack creation addon. Most server owners would love to create a popular Minecraft Server. Anyone can create a popular Minecraft server if they know what they're doing. It is possible to make your server a hit if you follow the steps in this guide. Remember that server ownership comes with many responsibilities. It is not something you can rush to achieve success.