This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category.This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). the titan launcher Works which have used it as a tag:- At the Hands of a God by wimpfredFandoms: Original Work, Minecraft (Video Game)- Teen And Up Audiences- Major Character Death- Gen- Complete Work24 May 2022TagsMajor Character DeathOriginal Male Character(s) & Original Male Character(s)Original Female Character & Original Male Characteroriginal female - RelationshipOriginal CharactersOriginal Female Character(s)Original Male Character(s)Original Non-Human Character(s)Original Non-Binary CharacterAlternate Universe - Gods & GoddessesThere's only two canonical god characters in this fic but it countsCanonical Character DeathOriginal Character Death(s)Implied/Referenced Character DeathOnly one person dies in the fic but it's implied that everyone dies in the endAngstConfrontationsConflictInternal ConflictYeah no shitI'd also like to note that this takes place in a Minecraft settingSummary“Do you see this object?““…yeah?” Titan Launcher For Mc The brunette answered cautiously, voice shaking as he stared at the item in front of him.The gadget in question was one in the shape of a heart, typically seen in the health-bar of hardcore worlds. Idly floating on the palm of the other’s hand, he could see that the glass the item was made out of was cracked, almost as if it were broken fragments of a stained window. Though it may seem innocent enough, the object has brought great travesty upon Quinn and the others, for whoever wields the heart gains access to a panel that can control everyone’s deaths on the server.And to their luck, all their lives were linked. Everyone except Ian.Or, Quinn has a little chat with the self-proclaimed god of the server. The results following their conversation leads to disastrous consequences.