If you're trying to convince your skeptical dad to date your daughter, you have a lot of work to do. There are many ways to overcome his skepticism, from Daddy's shotgun to reverse sexual imprinting. Listed below are some tips and strategies to make your boy's father fall in love with your daughter. In addition to these tips, you should remember to respect her father, especially if he's a stranger. girl dad featuring a gubernatorial candidate in Georgia recently sparked a firestorm when it threatened a date with a shotgun. The television station that aired the commercial received complaints and faced harsh criticism from commentators. Threatening young men with gun violence is not only despicable, but illegal as well. It also makes little sense. In an age of gun violence, it is not appropriate to threaten a date with a shotgun.Reverse sexual imprintingThe reversal of a child's sex preference is a phenomenon known as reverse sexual imprinting. This phenomenon occurs when parents of opposite sex patterns live together with their children for the first few years of life. It has been observed in many cultures, including the Shim-pua customs of Taiwan. Although philip broenniman is unlikely to occur in biologically related families, it does occur.Making a good first impressionIf you are dating a girl, making a good first impression is very important. If your girlfriend is a single woman, her parents will notice the way you act and your overall attitude. When meeting the parents of your girl, make sure to dress well, smile and keep your body language neutral. Try not to cross your arms, as it could make you appear nervous. Turn your body toward them and smile at them.Don't be cocky: Men are often shy and nervous, so making a good first impression is crucial. However, The Girl Dad Show goes a long way. Listed below are a few tips to make the first meeting a positive one. Try to make the father of your girlfriend comfortable, by using his or her last name. Remember, fathers defend their daughters very well, so be careful and avoid inappropriate interactions.