Noida, India – The 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) witnessed the inauguration of an exquisite painting exhibition titled “Contours of Delhi” by...
Noida: The 17th Global Film Festival Noida witnessed a historic celebration as the festival and its dedicated management team honored the 100th annive...
From live sports coverage to interactive games, Playinexch is the best online gaming site for Indian players. Its user-friendly interface, secure paym...
AAO NXT presents a collection of new Odia films, bringing the magic of Odisha’s cinema to your fingertips. Enjoy top-notch movies from emerging and ce...
Noida, India – The 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) celebrated the rich culinary heritage of Palestine through a special Food Festival organized...
Noida, India – The AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism hosted an engaging and insightful master class conducted by renowned Peruvian celebrity chef...
New Delhi: In an enriching session for aspiring actors, Martin Welton, Head of the Department and Professor of Theatre and Performance at Queen Mary U...
Noida: The AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism hosted an engaging and insightful workshop led by Dr. Hari Kishan Valmiki, Founder and Managing Part...
Noida, India – The 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) celebrated the unique culinary heritage of Australia through a special Food Festival organiz...
Education aid holds immense importance for individuals who have faced numerous hardships. Some students harbor a deep desire to pursue higher educatio...