Noida: In an effort to ensure streamlined operations and effective management within Marwah Studios and AAFT (Asian Academy of Film and Television), D...
Noida,: A sense of nostalgia and gratitude filled the air at Marwah Studios as acclaimed filmmaker Tusilya Muthukumar, an alumna of the Asian Academy ...
Noida:– The 119th Convocation of the Asian Academy of Film and Television (AAFT) marked a historic milestone, showcasing the institution’s commitment ...
Noida: Marwah Studios at Noida Film City was transformed into a hub of cultural exchange and artistic splendor with the grand exhibition of garments d...
Noida: In a dazzling showcase of cultural exchange and artistic collaboration, the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) j...
Noida, India – March 7, 2024 In a vibrant exchange of creativity and cultural appreciation, a delegation of esteemed Iranian designers recently graced...
Noida: Marwah Studios was graced by the presence of renowned American Indian singer, Madhu Mathur, who visited the studio to express her admiration an...
Noida: Embracing the digital age and recognizing the importance of effective communication, AAFT School of Animation, in collaboration with AAFT Schoo...
Noida: Marwah Studios was abuzz with excitement as the star cast of the highly anticipated Punjabi feature film “Blackia 2” graced the premises for th...
Noida, Uttar Pradesh – Radio Noida, the pioneering radio station of the City of Noida, Uttar Pradesh, celebrated its fifteenth anniversary with the la...