Noida: Renowned model and India Diva Supranational winner, Shefali Sood, graced Marwah Studios at Noida Film City with her presence in an exclusive vi...
Noida, India – October 1, 2023 — The world of Audio-Visual Gaming and Computer Graphics (AVGC) is experiencing an extraordinary surge, rapidly establi...
New Delhi, India – Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a distinguished guest of honor and keynote speaker at the Global Excellence Forum, delivered an inspiring addre...
New Delhi: The prestigious 20th Indo US Economic Summit commenced with an inaugural address by His Excellency Eric Garcetti, the United States Ambassa...
New Delhi: The 3rd Summit on Education Alliances witnessed a momentous gathering of educationists and thought leaders at the illustrious Hotel Eros Ne...
New Delhi: “Today we are breaking our own record of launching the 14th edition of International Festival of Cellphone Cinema 2021. IFCPC now is the ol...
A plantation competition in the name of Dadi-Nani that raises environmental awareness among kids and all the people in our society. A competition that...
New Delhi, India – On the occasion of the 154th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a special bhajan program was held at Gandhi Smriti, also known as...
Valued Opinion is an online survey platform and it serves nearly 6,000 market research, media and advertising agencies, publishers, consulting and inv...