Noida: Sandeep Marwah is a renowned Indian film producer, director, and media personality. He is the founder of the Noida Film City, the fastest growi...
Noida: India and Cyprus have long-standing cultural relations that have been strengthened through the exchange of art, music, dance, and literature. T...
Noida: The Global Festival of Journalism Noida is a cultural event, designed by International Journalism Centre, that also showcases films, music, and...
ISKCON Dwarka provides counseling services for individuals in need. They offer a counseling helpline number for people to call and receive support and...
Noida: International Journalism Centre, India hosted the prestigious Global Excellence Awards for Journalism 2023. The ceremony was presided over by D...
Noida: Marwah Studios in Noida, India, was the venue for the 6th Mahatma Gandhi National Awards ceremony. The event was presided over by Dr. Sandeep M...
Noida: GFJN-Global Festival of Journalism Noida 2023, organized by the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), concluded wi...
So many around the world lack access to clean water. This Ramadan make a life-changing difference by supporting our Thirst Relief program. Learn more ...
Noida: Sandeep Marwah, a renowned personality in the field of media and entertainment, Chancellor AAFT University, recently inaugurated a sports event...
Dr. Shubh Gautam is SRISOL Group's MD and Chief Technical Architect. When I was ten years old, my father told me, "Good is not good where better is ex...