A seeding mat can be used to get the ideal temperature when the weather is not favorable. Get your cloning and seed starting for hydroponics as well a...
Coco coir is one of the best and most recommended hydroponic grow mediums as it holds great benefits. Zenhydro lists a wide variety of soli mixes and ...
 Rockwool cubes are designed to find air/water balance for a plant to grow through a porous structure. We offer the best selection of Rockwool hydrop...
If you have a clean house, then you are probably leading a healthy life. Everyone likes to have beautiful looking and bright rooms, but this can only ...
ZenHydro lists Rockwool plugs and hydroponic starter plugs. All you need is to get one and insert the plugs directly into the cells of your growing tr...
Find the right space to do indoor gardening at your home with the help of Zenhydro’s indoor gardening shelves and indoor growing shelves. Join us an...
SECURalert has been designing, testing, and manufacturing RF solutions since 1993. The company is selling its solutions globally through a growing net...
Zenhydro Offers hydroponic grow tents, iPower grow tents. Grow tents help you keep your set up in shape, provides enough shade, and comfort you for th...