Training, teaching, mentor coaching and facilitating workshops cannot be counted as coaching hours. To qualify as group coaching, participants must se...
CF accredited coach training program for the ACC credential Leaders Develop Leaders Program Goals Offer a formal mechanism to support leaders as they ...
Our women’s leadership development programs help women leaders develop the critical beliefs and skills that are needed to navigate the unique challeng...
Dialogue is a way to talk, think, and act together making it possible to work with differences and create possibilities for the future. Navgati, as a ...
Navgati is a reputed provider of innovative and impactful learning experiences. We help leaders be the best that they can be through our training, coa...
we have been running ICF accredited coach training programs for the last 8 years now and it’s been a richly rewarding experience for us to see trainee...
ICF certified coach training Navgati offers two ICF approved coach training programs: Leaders develop Leaders and Transformational Coaching. Both thes...
ICF accredited coach training programs for the ACC and PCC credentials ICF certified coach training Navgati offers two ICF approved coach training pro...
Leadership development programs designed for women Our women’s leadership development programs help women leaders develop the critical beliefs and ski...
Our programs link leadership theory and behavioural science to the challenges leaders face at work, thus blending academic rigour with practical appli...