"Call to Me and I will answer you - Jeremiah 33:3" This beautiful metal keychain has this Bible promise on one side and the Amazing Facts India logo a...
This sharing magazine presents seven of the most misunderstood biblical subjects in a direct and captivating way — heaven, hell, salvation, Sabbath, a...
Hell Fire: A Twisted Truth Untangled - English Book Is The popular doctrine of an ever-burning place of torment controlled by the devil has caused man...
Millions of people are digging their own grave with a fork—are you one of them? You don’t have to be! Did you know God has always had a solution and a...
Want a great, easy, and quick way to share Bible truth about the 70-week prophecy? Then try this eye-catching Bible bookmark that's chock full of Scri...
Want a great, easy, and quick way to share Bible truth about the dream of Daniel 2? Then try this eye-catching Bible bookmark that's chock full of Scr...
Should Christians wear makeup and jewelry? It’s not an easy question to answer in our day and age, but the Bible provides practical and powerful guida...
Millions of sincere Christians have been led to believe a lie about the return of Christ. Are you one of them? Get a biblical look at the “rapture” an...
This attractive, affordable, full-color magazine presents eight powerful biblical health lessons in a direct and captivating way — including the benef...