Noida: In a groundbreaking meeting at Marwah Studios, key thought leaders from the blockchain industry gathered to discuss the transformative potentia...
Noida: : In a historic visit to Marwah Studios at Noida Film City, Dr. L. Murugan, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting, Government of I...
Looking to connect with a unique, multi-talented creator? LadyKaiyo is a professional model, content creator, and Twitch streamer known for her lively...
Physiotherapy colleges in Karnataka, Physiotherapy in Karnataka, Physiotherapy courses in Karnataka, list of Physiotherapy colleges in Karnataka, Phys...
Noida: In a significant event held at the Noida Film City, two esteemed members of the Indian Parliament, Maddila Gurumoorthy, Member of Parliament re...
Noida: Marwah Studios recently welcomed celebrated Austrian musicians Silvia Vaterl and Mila Janevska for a special visit and performance, facilitated...
Noida: A delegation of teachers, social workers, and their families from Orissa visited Marwah Studios to gain firsthand insights into its operations ...
The hallmark event of the south Indian cosmic sound free global event, is scheduled to be held on the Friday, 15 November 2024 from early morning 4:30...