The word Hijr means The Stone Land in Arabic. Surah Al Hijr is the 15th chapter of the Holy Quran and it consists of 99 verses (ayah). It was bestowed...
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This product has 6 different colors, waterproof coating, UV varnish, is made of high-grade materials, odorless and food-grade printed. Ishwara manufac...
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Big Hammer works to provide a vending machine for our customers. When it comes to coffee, most people want convenience and great taste. Smart coffee v...
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Tandem Kayak – Sit on Top Kayak perfect for Families The versatile design features a three-seat configuration and the ability to also move the seat in...
Our Business Alice's Wonderland offers an exceptional vacation home rental service in Dubai. It is located just a few minutes from the beach and a sho...