New Delhi: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a renowned art enthusiast, founder of Noida Film City, and Chancellor of AAFT University, recently visited the Indian A...
Noida: In a momentous occasion, the Suraj Parkash Marwah Sahitya Ratan Award 2024 was bestowed upon esteemed literary figure Arun Kumar Jain for his t...
Noida: In a significant development aimed at fostering international business and cultural exchange, Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios, has ...
Noida: Radio Noida 107.4 FM, the oldest community radio station in Noida NCR, proudly concluded the first season of its highly acclaimed musical progr...
Noida: Radio Noida 107.4 FM, the oldest community radio station in Noida NCR, proudly concluded the first season of its highly acclaimed musical progr...
New Delhi: In a celebration of literature and learning, Dr. Sandeep Marwah inaugurated the Literary Carnival organized by Jashan Events at the prestig...
Noida: Marwah Studios in Noida Film City hosted a momentous event celebrating the themes of spirituality and environmental consciousness. Dr. Sandeep ...
New Delhi: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and the founder President of AAFT University, served as the keynote speaker at a seminar on...
Noida: The highly anticipated 17th edition of the Global Film Festival (GFF), recognized as one of North India’s largest film festivals, proudly relea...
Noida: As part of the Irish Film Festival of India, a special workshop was conducted for students of cinema and acting at the Asian Academy of Film an...