02/04/2024 Computer - IT - Webs
Genericchit Advantages
Genericchit chit fund software team can maintain the high configured server. Server database can take backup daily basis in cloud server. Server provide performance 100% ping time guarantee.
Admin can maintain multiple branch using genericchit software, chit fund subscribers and collectors can access chit information any location and using any type of device.
Our authentication system can divide the branches perfectly in database. genericchit authentication system can perfectly control and maintain the user level access based on admin requirement.
admin can control and maintain the ERP chit fund software and mobile application. genericchit android app can search the name wise and select the group and ticket no collect the daily cash from chit subscribers.
user can doing work using genericchit software based on admin menu authentication allotment.
Genericchit multibranch can authentication rules can maintain the multibranch. genericchit software take reports as per the admin requirement. A whole company transaction report generated as per the owner requirements.
Genericchit Advantages Genericchit chit fund software team can maintain the high configured server. Server database can take backup daily basis in clo...
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