18/12/2024 Travel Agents
1. What is the cooling-off period for Expedia?
The cooling-off period depends on the airline, hotel, or service provider's policies. Many partners offer free cancellations within 24 hours of booking. For assistance with your reservation, call Expedia at 1-888-431-2039.
2. Is there a grace period for Expedia cancellation?
Yes, most flight bookings through Expedia are eligible for a 24-hour grace period for cancellation, provided the flight is booked at least seven days in advance. Confirm your reservation's eligibility by contacting Expedia at 1-888-431-2039.
3. How can I check if my booking qualifies for free cancellation?
To verify cancellation eligibility:
Log in to your Expedia account and visit the "My Trips" section.
Review the terms in your booking confirmation email.
Contact Expedia customer service at 1-888-431-2039 for clarification.
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