Noida, India – The 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) witnessed the inauguration of an exquisite painting exhibition titled “Contours of Delhi” by...
New Delhi: In an enriching session for aspiring actors, Martin Welton, Head of the Department and Professor of Theatre and Performance at Queen Mary U...
Experience the 4th Edition of the World's Highest Snow Marathon at Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh, an unparalleled adventure for marathon enthusiasts! Set a...
Experience the 4th Edition of the World's Highest Snow Marathon at Lahaul, Himachal Pradesh, an unparalleled adventure for marathon enthusiasts! Set a...
Noida: The AAFT School of Hospitality and Tourism hosted an engaging and insightful workshop led by Dr. Hari Kishan Valmiki, Founder and Managing Part...
Noida, India – The 17th Global Film Festival Noida (GFFN) celebrated the unique culinary heritage of Australia through a special Food Festival organiz...
Noida: In a moment of pride and global recognition, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, the founder of Marwah Studios and a pioneer in the media and entertainment ind...
Noida: The timeless ideology of Mahatma Gandhi continues to resonate across generations, inspiring individuals globally. At the 17th Global Film Festi...
Skill development is a cornerstone for building self-reliant and empowered communities. At Nirmala Foundation, we believe that providing individuals w...