"Embark on a journey of heartfelt celebrations with Penny Appeal's AQIQA program. Discover the joy of supporting meaningful festivities while making a...
Alhamdulillah! Witness the impact of your generosity as aid flows into Palestine. Our dedicated teams in Egypt are tirelessly coordinating with Palest...
The beginning of the new Islamic year. The start of the Islamic calendar was set by ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb رضي الله عنه, who based the first year when t...
We at Penny Appeal Canada take your right of Qurbani seriously. That’s why we source and sacrifice the healthiest animals with your donation, maintain...
Earthquakes have ravaged areas of Turkiye, Syria and Lebanon. Over 5000 people have been confirmed dead with even more missing. We’re responding direc...
Thousands of men, women and children in displaced communities around the world are facing harsh winters. Join Penny Appeal Canada in providing relief ...
Your first Jewish wedding is coming up. You will undoubtedly encounter some Jewish wedding customs, whether they are Reform or purely Orthodox. Some o...
It’s a great time to make a difference with your Zakat but before going off to calculate your Zakat or choosing one of our appeals to send your Zakat....
After the prodigious success of previous 12 editions of catalysis and chemical engineering conference series, we are ecstatic to announce and welcome ...