Kailash Vijayvargiya played a pivotal strategic role in the Maharashtra Assembly elections, influencing key decisions and alliances. Known for his pol...
Noida, India: The 17th Global Film Festival Noida continued its legacy of thought-provoking discussions with a powerful seminar on the “Future of Cine...
Noida, India: The second day of the 17th Global Film Festival Noida celebrated the vibrant and diverse culinary heritage of Venezuela with a special s...
Kailash Vijayvargiya’s political journey is a testament to dedication and strategic acumen. Starting as a corporator in Indore, he gradually rose thro...
The Muni Ki Reti Dhalwala Nagar Palika is at the heart of development and progress for the region, striving to improve the lives of its citizens. Neel...
Want to learn how successful businesses move forward even in tough times? Gujpreneur brings you real insights from business owners who've been there a...
Credit card fraud is a major issue that continues to cost consumers and businesses billions of dollars every year. As the digital world expands, so do...
Noida, India: The 17th Global Film Festival Noida brought the vibrant flavors of Spain to India with the grand inauguration of Spanish culinary deligh...
Noida, India: The 17th Global Film Festival Noida celebrated the rich cultural tapestry of global cinema with the screening of the Venezuelan film “Ju...
This design is for the ones who love to apply henna equally in front and at the back of the hand. It gives a stunning look with lehenga or gown. It ca...