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SHOULDER PRESS TG 935 Fitking Health Fitness

New Delhi, Delhi - India

2025-03-20 10:57:47

Contact Info:

Phone Number: 9870336406

Website URL: https://www.fitking.in/product-descriptions/shoulder-press/10046

Description: The Shoulder Press provide the feel of free weight training, with an excellent bio-mechanical design ideal for strengthening delts, triceps and upper traps by replicating the overhead press. The trajectory of the handles converge during movement provide a natural arc of motion and increased range. Independent movement arms provides more balanced strength and offer the choice of training & one arm at a time or simultaneous concentric and eccentric movement on opposing arms. Get more information visit on:- www.fitking.in Our mail I.D:-care@fitking.in, fitking.in@gmail.com Call us at :- 9958880790, 9870336406, 8800695917

  • https://tuffclassified.com/shoulder-press-tg-935-fitking-health-fitness_2579987