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Chaldean numerology
Location:Kolkata, West Bengal - India
Published:2025-02-12 12:14:57
Contact Info:
Surajiet Saha
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Description: Chaldean numerology, an ancient system of mystical significance rooted in the wisdom of Babylonian astrologers, offers profound insights into the vibrational energies associated with numbers and their influence on human behavior. Surajiet Saha, a contemporary practitioner and scholar in this field, has dedicated his research to unraveling the complexities of numerical symbolism that intertwine destiny and personality traits. By exploring the unique characteristics assigned to each number within Chaldean numerology—from one’s birth date to name vibrations—Saha elucidates how these elements can reveal underlying motivations and life paths. His work emphasizes not only the mathematical precision inherent in this esoteric discipline but also its spiritual dimensions, advocating for a holistic approach that integrates personal growth with cosmic understanding. Through workshops and publications, Surajiet Saha aims to demystify Chaldean numerology, empowering individuals to harness their numeric essence for enhanced self-awareness and purposeful living.
Website: https://www.surajietsaha.com/
Phone Number: +91 9062001572
Email Id: surajietsaha@gmail.com
Address: Kolkata,700050