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Salt Spray Chamber in Faridabad Envisys Technologies
Location:D, 681, Street No 5, Om Enclave Part 2, Om Enclave, Mithapur Extension, Mithapur, Faridabad, Haryana
Faridabad, Haryana - India
Published:2024-11-18 09:36:18
Contact Info:
Envisys Technologies
D, 681, Street No 5, Om Enclave Part 2, Om Enclave, Mithapur Extension, Mithapur, Faridabad, Haryana
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Description: Salt spray chambers are applied to test the corrosion resistance of materials and coatings, and this is to ensure that durable products endure severe environmental conditions. The Faridabad-based industries use such chambers to find out the extended exposure to salt-laden atmospheres and are favorable for testing automobile parts, construction materials, and equipment for marine applications. Contemporary chambers feature controlled systems with homogeneous spray distribution and robust construction for repeatability and reliability.
Advanced Salt Spray Chambers, which are industry-specific to the testing needs of the particular industry in Faridabad and pan India, are offered by Envisys Technologies. Developed with high precision and efficiency to ensure results in accordance with international standards, our chambers will enhance your product testing capability. Visit Envisys Technologies to explore these offerings.