
90000.00 ₹
King Train Ambulance Services in Bangalore with LifeSaving Doctor Team

Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna
Bangalore, Karnataka - India

2024-11-02 13:46:50

Contact Info:
king ambulance
Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna

Phone Number: 07091360310

Website URL: https://www.kingairambulance.com/train-ambulance-service-in-bangalore/

Description: If you want to transport your patient from one hospital to another hospital then you can contact us to get King Train Ambulance Services in Bangalore. We provide the following features: Bed-to-bed patient transfer, On-call assistance, relatively low cost, Best quality management, and Timely evacuation. During the journey, our trained doctors and paramedics team constantly monitor the patient's health conditions. !!More Details and Further Enquiry!! Vasundhara Sector - 3, Uttaranchal Plaza, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi, 201012 Mob: +91-7091360310, +91-7260937628 Email: - info@kingairambulance.com

  • https://tuffclassified.com/king-train-ambulance-services-in-bangalore-with-lifesaving-doctor-team_2425944