
90000.00 ₹
King Train Ambulance Services in Silchar can transport patients without any hassle

Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna
Sitamarhi, Assam - India

2024-10-23 16:21:16

Contact Info:
king ambulance
Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna

Phone Number: 07091360310

Website URL: https://www.kingairambulance.com/train-ambulance-service-in-silchar/

Description: Are you stranded at Silchar and in urgent need of a train ambulance to transport you to another station? If you want to transfer the patient in as short a time as possible, book the most advanced King Train Ambulance in Silchar. King Train Ambulance Services in Silchar makes patient transfer comfortable and easy regarding the situation. Using King Train Ambulance Service in Silchar with affordable cost, patients can be transferred to any part of India conveniently by Train Ambulance Service. !!More Details and Further Enquiry!! Vasundhara Sector - 3, Uttaranchal Plaza, Ghaziabad, NCR Delhi, 201012 Mob: +91-7091360310, +91-7260937628 Email: - info@kingairambulance.com

  • https://tuffclassified.com/king-train-ambulance-services-in-silchar-can-transport-patients-without-any-hassle_2417579