
90000.00 ₹
Falcon Train Ambulance in Siliguri is the Best Ambulance for Patients at a Lower price

503/2, Vasundhra, Sector-5, NCR, Delhi, India
Siliguri-Darjiling, West Bengal - India

2024-10-23 13:33:07

Contact Info:
Falcon Emergency
503/2, Vasundhra, Sector-5, NCR, Delhi, India

Phone Number: 09205909876

Website URL: https://www.falconemergency.com/train-ambulance-services-from-siliguri/

Description: Falcon EmergencyTrain Ambulance Services in Siliguri delivers low-cost medical transportation service with just a single phone call to our helpline number as we are available round the clock to provide the best solution to the patients during emergencies. Falcon Emergency Train Ambulance Siliguriare is offered with advanced life support and intensive care facilities and we make sure the bookings are made inside train compartments that are installed only to let patients experience a fully comfortable journey. !!More Details and Further Enquiry!! Ambedkar Path, Near MahimaMandir, NandanPuri, Khajpura, Patna – 800014 Mob: +91-7368088573, +91-9205909876 Email: - info@falconemergency.com

  • https://tuffclassified.com/falcon-train-ambulance-in-siliguri-is-the-best-ambulance-for-patients-at-a-lower-price_2417351