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Know Your Eating Disorders Treatment Options

313, Sector-A, Pkt-C, Vasant Kunj Delhi – 110070
New Delhi, Delhi - India

2024-09-18 15:09:58

Contact Info:
serenity clinic
313, Sector-A, Pkt-C, Vasant Kunj Delhi – 110070

Phone Number: +91 9811006930

Website URL: https://www.serenityclinic.care/eating-disorders-treatment/

Description: Eating disorders are behavioral conditions that affect both your physical and mental health. It is associated with severe disturbances including behaviors and related thoughts and emotions. Anyone can have an eating disorder. Here are some Eating Disorders Treatment Options to heal yourself: 1 Cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT ) 2 Family-based treatment 3 Medicines 4 Cognitive remediation therapy 5 Interpersonal psychotherapy Make sure that you are caring for your physical and mental well-being during your eating disorder recovery process. Contact Information Email: info@serenityclinic.care Contact No: +91 9811006930 Address: 313, Sector-A, Pkt-C, Vasant Kunj, Delhi – 110070

  • https://tuffclassified.com/know-your-eating-disorders-treatment-options_2390993