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Best Quality Eye Drop Pyramid Packaging Company in India
Location:New Delhi, Delhi - India
Published:2024-09-07 19:09:19
Contact Info:
chandan munjaal
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Description: India has several well-known pharmaceutical companies that manufacture eye drops, catering to a variety of eye-related conditions. Guerison is a leading name in the ophthalmology segment, offering a broad range of eye drops for dry eyes, allergies, and infections. Their "Opthal" division focuses on eye care products. One of India's largest pharmaceutical companies, Guerison Pyramid produces a range of ophthalmic products, including eye drops for various conditions such as dry eyes, glaucoma, and infections.
Contact us
Plot No.620, Phase-5, Udyog Vihar, Gurugram (Haryana) - 122016
Phone: +91-9871054111
Email: info@guerison.in
Website: https://guerison.in/