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One of the Indias Best Places for Online Learning for IITJAM CSIRUGC NET GATE and SET

Pune, Maharashtra - India

2024-08-24 16:36:20

Contact Info:

Phone Number: +91-9172266888

Website URL: https://ifasonline.com/gate/life-science-online-coaching

Description: IFAS is the premier institution in India for CSIR UGC NET, SET, and GATE studies. Therefore, all concepts in our Coaching Classes will be thoroughly dealt with, without leaving any stone unturned. You will get updated printed GATE Life Science study materials, and you will be provided access to an online test series exclusively prepared to help you gauge yourself better. Added to this, our interactive sessions are tailored to your needs in learning; our expert instructors guide you with the best advice to excel in them. We will supply you with the tools and support needed to succeed in your GATE Life Science Examination.
