
8499.00 ₹
Raspberry Pi IoT Builder Kit Unleash Your Creativity

Unit - 601, Block - EP & GP, Godrej Genesis Building, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Beng
Kolkata, West Bengal - India

2024-08-21 15:52:46

Contact Info:
IEM Robotics
Unit - 601, Block - EP & GP, Godrej Genesis Building, Sector V, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Beng

Phone Number: 03348127479

Website URL: https://www.iemrobotics.com/collections/highlights/products/raspberry-pi-kit-with-various-sensors

Description: Explore different applications, from development sensors to astute home robotization, and find the best expenses for Raspberry Pi 3B+ to start on your next creative assignment. Discharge your creative mind and revive your considerations with Raspberry Pi. Components : Raspberry Pi 3B 4 GB SD Card Breadboard DHT11 Moisture Sensor LDR Sensor Transparent Cover Registers Jumper Wires Type B Charger Raspberry Pi Compatible Webcam MQ02 Gas Sensor Ultrasonic Sensor HCSR04 Rain Sensor Motion Sensor HCSR501 PIR Sensor Internal Magnetic Buzzer 3 Axis Accelerometer HDMI Cable

  • https://tuffclassified.com/raspberry-pi-iot-builder-kit-unleash-your-creativity_2368373