
90000.00 ₹
Get MPM Train Ambulance from Kolkata with First class Medical Support

Gali No:-1, House No-108 L Block, Mahipalpur, Near Red Light
Kolkata, West Bengal - India

2024-08-20 17:36:11

Contact Info:
MPM Air Ambulance
Gali No:-1, House No-108 L Block, Mahipalpur, Near Red Light

Phone Number: 919264470198

Website URL: https://www.mpmairambulance.com/train-ambulance-from-kolkata/

Description: MPM Train Ambulance from Kolkata works to provide first-class medical support to patients. When sick patients need treatment in an emergency. Then the Train Ambulance helps in transporting patients from one place to another or the hospital with the latest medical support, such as highly qualified and experienced doctors and nurses. In medical support, our High-Tech equipment, such as ventilators, cardiac monitors, suction pumps, infusion machines, nebulisers, and oxygen cylinders, is available. MPM Train Ambulance from Kolkata provides medical support 24 hours a day as well as patient transfers for the better health of patients. !!!Enquire Today!!! Gali No:-1, House No-108 L Block, Mahipalpur, Near Red Light, Delhi, Pin Code – 110037 Mob: +919264470198, +919264470199 Email: info@mpmairambulance.com Train Ambulance from Kolkata

  • https://tuffclassified.com/get-mpm-train-ambulance-from-kolkata-with-first-class-medical-support_2367293