
Best School In Faridabad For Producing Future Leaders Sgsfaridabad

Faridabad, Haryana - India

2024-08-09 12:38:07

Contact Info:
Saraswati Global School Faridabad

Phone Number: 9625992015

Website URL: https://saraswatiglobalschool.com/

Description: Education at Saraswati Global School is not limited to the bookish knowledge only. This is possible because the school emphasizes on the all round development of a child to become a responsible individual. In science, music, art, physical education as well as drama students are allowed to discover themselves. This devotion to the all-around development of students makes it possibly the best school in Faridabad for producing future leaders.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/best-school-in-faridabad-for-producing-future-leaders-sgsfaridabad_2359812