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CBSE Schools in Dehradun with Sports Facilities Nurturing Young Minds at Holy Angel School
Location:Resham Majri, Majri grant, Doiwala Distt. Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Dehradun, Uttarakhand - India
Published:2024-07-29 15:29:00
Contact Info:
Holy Angel School
Resham Majri, Majri grant, Doiwala Distt. Dehradun, Uttarakhand
Phone Number:
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Description: Participation in sports has numerous benefits for students. It fosters teamwork, discipline, and leadership skills while promoting physical fitness and mental well-being. Holy Angel School recognizes these advantages and encourages students to engage in various sports activities. Regular inter-school competitions and annual sports events provide students with platforms to showcase their talents and build competitive spirit. Such opportunities make Holy Angel School one of the top choices for parents seeking CBSE schools in Dehradun with sports facilities.