
90000.00 ₹
Take Medical Evacuation Service from King Train Ambulance in Kolkata at Low Rates

Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna
Kolkata, West Bengal - India

2024-07-23 22:17:52

Contact Info:
king ambulance
Ambedkar Path, Near Mahima Mandir, Nandan Puri, Khajpura, Patna

Phone Number: 07091360310

Website URL: https://www.kingairambulance.com/train-ambulance-service-in-kolkata/

Description: The cost of the medical transportation service offered by King Train Ambulance Services in Kolkata is minimal so people can get our service without any discomfort. The booking process is kept transparent and easy and people can get our service by simply contacting our helpline number which is accessible round the clock. A compassionate customer support executive remains available to meet the needs of the patients when you contact our helpline number! !!More Details and Further Enquiry!! Jodhpur Park, South City Mall, Kolkata- 700068 Mob: +91-7091360310, +91-7260937628 Email: -info@kingairambulance.com

  • https://tuffclassified.com/take-medical-evacuation-service-from-king-train-ambulance-in-kolkata-at-low-rates_2345547