800001.00 ₹
Use Mpm Train Ambulance Services in Darbhanga with fastest patient transfer with a fully hightech me
Location:Gali No:-1, House No-108 L Block, Mahipalpur, Near Red Light
Darbhanga, Bihar - India
Published:2024-06-28 16:24:20
Contact Info:
MPM Air Ambulance
Gali No:-1, House No-108 L Block, Mahipalpur, Near Red Light
Phone Number:
Website URL:
Description: Are you in medical trouble and thinking of the most advanced train ambulance for quick transfer of patients from Mumbai to any city for effective medical care?
Mpm Train Ambulance Services in Darbhanga for the fastest patient transfer with a fully equipped high-tech medical system. Mpm Train Ambulance Services in Darbhanga provides life-saving ICU-Mpm Train Ambulance Services in Darbhanga with top-class medical assistance for the comfortable transfer of patients at a low fee. We provide first-class high-speed train ambulances with life-care medical services for the immediate transfer of patients. We provide reliable services to the patient under the supervision of a high-tech medical unit at the lowest fee.
!! Contact us for more information!!
Address: Gali No:-1, House No-108 L Block, Mahipalpur, Near Red Light, Delhi, Pin Code – 110037
Email: info@mpmairambulance.com
Phone: +919264470198, +919264470199