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Housekeeping product suppliers in Bangalore
Location:Bangalore, Karnataka - India
Published:2024-06-13 12:05:24
Contact Info:
vincare hygiene
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Description: Vincare is one of the leading suppliers of housekeeping products in Bangalore. We offer a comprehensive range of supplies to meet the needs of homeowners, professional cleaners, and businesses. We offer everything you need to keep environments sparkling clean and hygienic, from eco-friendly cleaning products to high-efficiency vacuums. Our products are made from high-quality materials, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance. Our products are formulated to be safe for use, reducing the risk of exposure to harsh chemicals and promoting a healthier living environment. You can begin your path to a cleaner, healthier space by using Vincare.
Our Products:
Germi Check
Deep Clean
Genteel – Hand Wash
Dish dew
Contact Us:
Call:9448084499 / 8088294244
Address: 2378, 1st floor, 1st main, RPC Layout Vijayanagar 3rd Stage Bangalore – 560 040.
Email: contact@vincare.in