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Best Educational Consultancy in Manipur
Location:IES House, #5, Convent Road, Richmond Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Imphal, Manipur - India
Published:2024-05-29 16:33:49
Contact Info:
Indian Educational Services
IES House, #5, Convent Road, Richmond Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka
Phone Number:
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Description: Education is essential for growth and development in every part of the world, as education changes life and without education, development is impossible.
So for the best education as per interest and choice, we at Indian Education Services (IES), which is India's best education specialist provides admission guidance, career counseling,
career guidance, course selection, university selection, college selection, brain matrix test, Student Housing, scholarship test, and all education problems and their solutions in one place for you.
Now, without worrying call now to IES and IES team of education expert is working 24/7 to help you better.
Indian Educational Services (IES)
Call/Whatsapp- +91 97432 77777
Landline- 080-41518612/080-41518631
Location: #5, IES House, Convent Road, Richmond Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India-560025
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