Check with seller
Creating Healthy Lifestyle Through Student Health CheckUp
Location:C-94 Lal Kothi Scheme
Kolkata, West Bengal - India
Published:2024-04-25 14:35:23
Contact Info:
Health Gennie
C-94 Lal Kothi Scheme
Phone Number:
Website URL:
Description: Students Health Check Up involves a comprehensive examination of students' physical well-being to ensure their overall health and fitness. Key components include medical history review, vital signs assessment (such as blood pressure, heart rate), vision and hearing tests, height and weight measurement, and screenings for conditions like scoliosis and mental health concerns. The check-up aims to detect any health issues early, promote healthy habits, and support academic success by addressing health-related barriers to learning.
For Any Query Contact Us:
Call: +91-8929920932
WhatsApp: +91-8690006254
Book Now : https://www.healthgennie.com/lab-dashboard
Download App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.Hgpp.app&hl=en