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Free Integrated Business Management System ContinuSys IBMS
Location:Lobby 1, Level 2, 76 Skyring Terrace, Newstead QLD 4006, Australia
Ahmedabad, Gujarat - India
Published:2024-04-16 13:23:03
Contact Info:
Lobby 1, Level 2, 76 Skyring Terrace, Newstead QLD 4006, Australia
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Description: The ContinuSys Integrated Business Management System (IBMS) is a collection of integrated web and mobile apps that store all data in a single database that’s readily accessible in a virtual server securely hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS).
ContinuSys ensures business continuity by empowering companies to operate effortlessly and efficiently. We aim to minimise disruption by providing a valuable solution that helps maintain normal business operations, speed up disaster recovery, and reduce both short- and long-term risk.
Our integrated apps are designed to cater to 10 fundamental business processes, all of which must work together to establish a strong value chain: