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Unlocking Healing Ayurvedic Treatment for Cancer

Jodhpur, Rajasthan - India

2024-04-15 17:45:29

Contact Info:
Sandhya Jani Devi

Phone Number: 07042735658

Website URL: https://sandhyajanidevihealthresorts.com/

Description: Cancer Ayurveda Treatment is a gentle yet effective alternative for cancer patients, drawing on the wisdom of Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health. This therapy, which has its roots in ancient Indian customs, aims to bring the body's equilibrium back via individualized meal plans, herbal cures, cleansing methods, and lifestyle changes. Ayurveda seeks to address the underlying imbalances that lead to cancer in order to improve general health as well as alleviate symptoms. For individuals looking for all-encompassing and long-lasting cancer therapy, Cancer Ayurveda Treatment offers hope because of its focus on natural healing and harmony. Mon - Sun, Open 24 hours Address:- Sandhya Jani Devi Hospital & Resort, Village Manaklao, Mathania Road, near Samadhi, Jodhpur, Rajasthan 342024 Phone no.:- 91 7042735658 Email: janidevijhanwarjodhpur@gmail.com Website:-https://sandhyajanidevihealthresorts.com Read more:- https://sandhyajanidevihealthresorts.com/cancer-ayurveda-treatment/ https://sandhyajanidevihealthresorts.com/ckd-treatment-by-ayurveda/ https://sandhyajanidevihealthresorts.com/chronic-kidney-disease-treatment/
