
Check with seller
Dhanbad Hotel Room

Dhanbad, Jharkhand - India

2024-04-11 18:49:02

Contact Info:
SEO Specializer

Phone Number: 9234669201

Website URL: https://www.17degreeshotel.com/toss-menu.html

Description: 17 Degrees Toss Restauran Dhanbad The entire idea of having the chef come to your table provide Cottage cheese tossed in schezwan and oyster sauce,Chicken tossed with pepper and hunan sauce DHANBAD Seventeen Degrees Hotel Co Pvt Ltd Sriram Mall, Ashok Nagar, Dhanbad – 828106 Phone: 91-326-2303869, 0326-3511123 M: +91-9234669208, +91-9234669201 Contact Person: Santosh Prasad - 9234669201 E-mail: 17degreeshotel@gmail.com reservation@17degreeshotel.com Website: www.17degreeshotel.com

  • https://tuffclassified.com/dhanbad-hotel-room_2268332