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What Makes Xiaomis SU7 Worth the Wait Buyers should expect to wait seven months

West Delhi, Delhi - India

2024-04-01 15:27:46

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Website URL: https://businessviewelite.com/news/xiaomis-su7-the-wait-buyers-should-expect/

Description: It’s a whopping seven-month stand-by! Moments after Xiaomi announced the prices of its debutant electronic vehicle model SU7 on Thursday, the brand locked all the deals of the car for the year. However, as the brand is witnessing a high rise in the demand for the edition, on Monday Xiaomi’s app advised its would-be customers to wait for seven months till they receive the delivery of the most preferred car.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/what-makes-xiaomis-su7-worth-the-wait-buyers-should-expect-to-wait-seven-months_2261060