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The Best BBA Colleges in Delhi RDIAS

Outer Ring Road Sector 14 Rohini
North West Delhi, Delhi - India

2023-12-12 14:40:53

Contact Info:
Outer Ring Road Sector 14 Rohini

Phone Number: 01127867301

Website URL: https://rdias.ac.in

Description: The best BBA colleges in Delhi strive to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and values required for success in a contemporary dynamic and competitive business environment. They play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of business leaders and professionals. Rukmini Devi Institute of Advanced Studies (RDIAS), one of the premium institutes that run a BBA course delivers a curriculum that covers essential business disciplines such as finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and entrepreneurship along with experienced and qualified faculty members who can provide effective teaching, mentorship, and guidance to students.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/the-best-bba-colleges-in-delhi-rdias_2194077