
1000.00 ₹
Best Cystoscopy Hospitals in Delhi Irene Hospital

New Delhi, Delhi - India

2022-07-25 13:25:28

Contact Info:
irene hospital

Phone Number: 011 4992 2222

Website URL: https://irenehealth.com/cystoscopy-hospital-in-delhi/

Description: Cystoscopy in Delhi is performed by a specialist called a urologist or a urinary tract specialist.The cystoscope has a lens (video camera) and a light attached to it, for clear examination. Irene hospital offers one of the Best Cystoscopy Hospitals in Delhi performed by highly prestigious and experienced doctors using the latest technology and facilities.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/best-cystoscopy-hospitals-in-delhi-irene-hospital_1972305