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Rice Mill Machinery amp How it Works

South West Delhi, Delhi - India

2022-05-20 13:41:23

Contact Info:
Industry Buying

Website URL: https://www.industrybuying.com/grain-processing-machine-agripro-AGR.GRA.82125517/

Description: Rice milling removes the husk, bran, and germ from brown rice to achieve white rice. It is an energy-consuming and time-consuming process. Rice mill machinery is used to efficiently and effectively complete this process. This machinery includes high speed, heavy-duty roller mills, pneumatic separators, importers, fan blowers, air cleaners, grain dust collectors, adjustable belt conveyors, etc. To extend the life span of the rice mill, regular maintenance is required.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/rice-mill-machinery-amp-how-it-works_1924697