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Abacus for Kids

Bangalore, Karnataka - India

2022-05-09 15:45:34

Contact Info:

Phone Number: +65 6272 7303

Website URL: https://www.edujournal.com/benefits-of-abacus-for-kids/

Description: Abacus is an extraordinary math tool that is being used all over the world to nurture children’s mental abilities. Abacus training is based on developing arithmetical calculation skills and helps children understand fundamental number systems. It can shape the development of a functional brain and cognitive skills. Abacus learning makes kids creative and gives them the ability to think beyond the ordinary. A lot of parents are choosing abacus learning as a compulsory part of their children’s curriculum. It has been proved to help with the development of children’s brains. It also makes math classes more fun and interactive

  • https://tuffclassified.com/abacus-for-kids_1916919