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DataVizz Best Serverless Companies in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad, Gujarat - India

2022-05-02 12:14:42

Contact Info:

Phone Number: 09909031418

Website URL: https://www.datavizz.in

Description: With the rising adoption of AWS Lambda & AWS Fargate, serverless technologies are increasingly becoming a desirable and viable IT infrastructure. Serverless Companies offer a development framework to build a serverless architecture. Companies that have gone serverless with AWS Lambda have reported a significant increase in their cloud and container-based architecture. Serverless architecture, if defined, is a cloud execution model that enables a simple and cost-effective solution for building and operating cloud-native applications. It automatically provisions the computing resources as well as scales those resources up or down. In a nutshell, serverless offloads all server-management responsibilities of operating backend cloud infrastructure to the cloud provider. For more details visit our website: https://www.datavizz.in | Email hello@datavizz.in | Call +91 9909031418

  • https://tuffclassified.com/datavizz-best-serverless-companies-in-ahmedabad_1912387