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GenericChit Chit Fund Software Mobile Apps Benefits

Tambaram, Tamil Nadu - India

2022-04-01 11:41:06

Contact Info:

Phone Number: 9788037825

Website URL: http://chitfundsoftwares.in/

Description: Genericchit chit fund software is available in both versions offline as well as online & mobile application. Genericchit mobile apps are very simple, easy to use, user - friendly apps. A person having basic knowledge is enough. Genericchit chit fund software mobile apps are simplify the chit fund collection process & take attractive bills also. In this mobile apps bills are take print options or share near by Bluetooth or what Sapp . Genericchit chit fund software mobile apps are there different types of working. 1) Admin Login: Admin person can see the all details in mobile apps, and control the all user mobile apps. 2) Collector Login: Chit company collectors login our details can see the chit subscriber arrear details, and collect money from customers in customer location make the due entries and generate the receipt also. That receipt information's are automatically updated in server with in a minutes. You are take the print & give the receipt also . Or you can share what Sapp . 3) Customer Login: Chit subscriber members login our details, can see the our chit groups, ticket no, paid amount, pending amount, and next installment due details also. Genericchit chit fund software are always helpful for chit companies, and their business growth. For more details call us: +91 9788037825, +91 8098129659, http://chitfundsoftwares.in/ http://genericit.in/

  • https://tuffclassified.com/genericchit-chit-fund-software-mobile-apps-benefits_1893512