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Best Old Age Home In Delhi

New Delhi, Delhi - India

2022-03-12 11:51:09

Contact Info:
pawan kumar

Phone Number: 7053705371

Website URL: https://goldenstick.org/

Description: Assuming you are searching for age home Golden Stick is giving a Best facilities Old Age Home in Delhi Just a notice of the word 'Advanced age homes' brings terrifying pictures of grimy unkempt squeezed rooms with releasing rooftops, shared filthy latrines, and denied seniors relying basically upon an award by government or good cause by rich. An existence of awful pity that nobody merits. Run by NGOs or Government, shy of assets, these advanced age homes have been purportedly pursuing nearly everybody for monies showing pictures of intense sufferings at these consideration homes.

  • https://tuffclassified.com/best-old-age-home-in-delhi_1881787